Saturday 3 March 2018

Let’s Talk About CBD Gummies

It is no secret that the medical marijuana industry is beginning to become more creative and innovative by the day. Part of this is because legalization of marijuana across various states in the nation has finally allowed this industry to try and catch up with the rest of the world. In other ways, part of it can be attributed to the fact that cannabis is just a very diverse plant that can be utilized in a lot of different ways. Today we are going to be talking about CBD gummies, and here’s why; for many older people in the United States, CBD can be a great way for them to manage joint pain, back aches, muscle pain, arthritis, and many more physical ailments.

However, many senior citizens have grown up in a time where marijuana was looked down upon as an illegal substance. Thankfully, the rules and policies around marijuana are beginning to change in the United States, and so has the public perception of it. Even still, there are many people out there who do not want to be known for using cannabis regularly. For some medical patients, smoking is not necessarily the best idea either. This can be due to some underlying health conditions like heat, lung, or respiratory problems. Like I said earlier, the great thing about cannabis is how it can be utilized in many different ways.

CBD gummies are an excellent choice for anyone who wants to regularly use CBD but doesn’t want to bother with oils or vapes. It is also true that not all CBD products are created equal, and many products on the market today are more like ‘fake CBD’ supplements when compared to the real, clinically proven stuff. So today I wanted to write about CBD gummies and maybe break some misconceptions that go along with them.

The first thing that is important to know about CBD gummies is that they taste good. When you think of a CBD gummy, just think of eating any other candy. There really is no difference in taste. The medical marijuana industry has evolved to the point that you would not even be able to tell the difference between a fruit shaped CBD gummy and a  fruit snack. CBD gummies don’t actually taste or smell like cannabis, which means you can take them discreetly around people and they would never know. They basically just look like any other gummy vitamin. You can find them in all sorts of flavors, shapes, styles, and whatever else you want. While CBD oil is quite a popular product among its users, it is fair to say that it usually tastes nasty, and it also leaves an aftertaste. That’s why many people put it in their coffee or orange juice to cover the taste. CBD gummies, on the other hand, do not have an odor or taste other than sweet, fruity goodness!

Another important thing that you need to know about CBD gummies is that they can help with inflammation. CBD helps your body repair damaged cells and can reduce swollen tissue at the sight of the injury or pain. Most chronic pain and diseases are actually caused by some sort of inflammation, which can do a lot of damage to your body and your health. The cannabidiol content within CBD gummies is proven to be effective at reducing this inflammation, and even promotes the creation of healthier, happier cells. Oftentimes, it can be hard to recognize the symptoms of inflammation in your body, so taking CBD regularly can help you feel better before you know it. I hope that this helps!

Friday 2 March 2018

Marijuana and PTSD

When it comes to PTSD, many of us know that there are not a whole lot of treatment options for those who struggle with it. While PTSD has quite possibly been around for centuries, it wasn’t until that last 50 years or so that it was finally diagnosed and treated like it really is. It is true that a lot of United States military veterans struggle with PTSD after coming home from their deployments overseas. People with PTSD generally experience trauma related anxiety attacks that are caused by them not being able to process the events that they have experienced in the past. Some people with PTSD also experience trouble sleeping at night or dealing with nightmares.

Some feel very closed off from other people, angry, emotionally distant, and even numb. So what are some of the treatment options for people dealing with PTSD? Well, they include different types of psychotherapy and medication, most commonly using the drugs that are normally used for different types of anxiety and depression in other mental health patients. However, like I mentioned earlier in this article, there are not a lot of great treatment options out there for medical patients that are dealing with severe PTSD. That is why there has been a recent interest in using medical marijuana to treat patients that have PTSD. Many state programs that have legalized medical marijuana have included PTSD, among other mental health disorders like depression and anxiety, as qualifying conditions in order to obtain a medical marijuana card. 

However, are there any scientific or clinical studies done about people using medical marijuana to treat their PTSD? Not really. Part of the reason for this is that any medical research done about medical marijuana is somewhat sparse, due to the fact that it has been an illegal substance for so long. I mean, who’s going to fund the money for scientists to do medical research on an illegal drug? Thankfully, our society is starting to head in a better direction when it comes to using and prescribing medical marijuana, but we still have a long way to go. Regardless, there have been a handful of studies done about medical marijuana being used to treat PTSD.

Of those studies done, there were mixed results. Part of the problem with these studies is that many of the participants were already regularly using cannabis, so that didn’t really create a very controlled environment. I can say from personal experience that a lot of marijuana strains can sometimes fight the line between feeling calm and feeling anxious.

For military veterans to use medical marijuana by themselves, and suddenly find themselves having flashbacks to their traumatic experiences while also high on cannabis - yeah, that sounds terrifying. Either way, there is something to be said about medical marijuana’s ability to help people sleep at night, especially people with PTSD who may be trying to fight off bad dreams and other demons while the sleep.

So here are some of the best strains out there that are listed for people with PTSD. Remember guys, not everyone will experience every strain in the same way as the person next to them, so take that into consideration before completely trusting how one strain is explained. One of the more popular strains on the market right now is called Blue Dream is a sativa dominant hybrid strain known for inducing feelings of relaxation and calm, doubled with a euphoric and uplifting high.

The nice thing about this strain is that it’s a hybrid, meaning that there is both a component of sativa and indica within it. The sativa will help you to feel a bit more energy and euphoria when smoking it, and the indica will help bring you back from the edge of getting anxious or overwhelmed.

Wednesday 7 June 2017

Tax Revenue for Cannabis

States that have legalized medical or recreational marijuana are objectively better than states that have not (looking at you Texas). As more and more medical marijuana programs are launching all over the country, we are starting to see a repeated pattern of an increase in state tax revenue. Let’s be honest, the United States is currently scrounging up for money right now just like every other country out there. The pandemic has caused a lot of hurt in supply chain management and overall world economy levels. Government entities in the United States are having to get creative in allocating financial resources to various programs and things in their state. Everyone loves the programs and infrastructure that come from more tax revenue, but no one wants to actually pay their taxes when it comes down to it. 

However, one of the many great reasons for the legalization of medical marijuana is because of the great tax revenue that it can produce. States that have legalized medical marijuana (and recreational marijuana) are realizing huge tax gains from these industries, and I can imagine a lot of other states are beginning to water at the mouth when they see some of their neighbors making a lot of money that they could also be making. Afterall, the demand for weed is continuing to grow at extremely fast rates. The effects of the pandemic couldn’t even touch the demand for marijuana in the United States - in fact, it actually increased it. Even when people are living paycheck to paycheck, they can still scrounge up the funds for their next weed purchase. With all of that being said, more states should consider legalizing weed just for the sake of the tax revenue. Today, we are going to be talking about the states with some of the highest tax revenues each year, and what they are doing with all of that money!

So, if you had to guess, which states are seeing the most tax revenue come in from the marijuana industry? There are probably a few different ones that pop into your head, but maybe one that stands out the most. Did you say California? Well if you did, that’s because it was an easy one. Especially when the state of California received more than half a billion dollars in taxes from the marijuana industry. That’s right, more than half a billion dollars just for weed! Americans really love marijuana. You may have also thought of other states like Colorado and Washington, and these states are not too far behind Colorado either. The great thing about the tax revenue coming from the marijuana industries is that it can be used to better the lives of residents in that state in the form of healthcare, education, infrastructure, and more. In fact, the state of Washington invested more than 10 million dollars into the cannabis education and public health programs in the state. 

The tax revenue could also influence a state’s decision to create a recreational marijuana program as well. If you are not aware, starting a medical marijuana program from scratch in any state is a tall order. Most states have to spend months and millions of dollars in order to come up with policy, licensing, and capital to be used in the medical marijuana program. However, the payoff from these programs can be great in the form of taxes. Plus, states that have legalized medical marijuana notice significantly less strain on their public healthcare programs, especially when it comes to things like prescription  medications and painkillers. If a state has legalized medical marijuana, it makes a lot of sense to go ahead and legalize recreational marijuana as well in order to receive all of the tax benefits that weed has to offer.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

The Ultimate Guide to Cannabis Edibles

Edibles are quickly becoming one of the most popular ways to use cannabis in the United States, right behind actually smoking it. One of the reasons that edibles are becoming so popular is because of medical marijuana. Did you know that almost 40 states in the United States have legalized medical marijuana programs for patients with qualifying conditions? Though smokable cannabis is probably the most popular form of marijuana ingestion for recreational marijuana users, medical marijuana patients do not always like to smoke their cannabis. One reason for this is because of the stigma that remains present about people who smoke weed. For a long time, America has held a stigma that people who smoke cannabis are lazy criminals.

Some medical marijuana patients grew up with this stigma in their life, and therefore do not want to smoke cannabis in the same way. Plus, smoking cannabis can have some negative health effects for medical patients with underlying health conditions. People with respiratory issues like asthma or emphysema are usually told to not smoke cannabis due to the health risks that are associated with it. These are some of the reasons that cannabis edibles have grown in popularity to the cannabis community. Plus, there are a huge variety of edible cannabis products in a variety of strains. Whether you are rocking with OG Kush or Granddaddy Purple, there is something for everyone!

So what are cannabis edibles and how do they work? Well, an edible is basically any sort of food item that has been infused with a certain amount of cannabis oil. Contrary to popular belief, edibles are not just cannabis products that get you high. You can find cannabis edibles with THC, CBD, or a combination of the two! For medical marijuana patients who regularly use cannabis for THC or CBD ingestion, edibles can be a huge help. Some important things to keep in mind about cannabis edibles is that they can take a lot more time to take effect compared to smoking weed, and the effects of edibles can last a lot longer too. This is why it is highly recommended that you do your research about certain marijuana edibles before you go ahead and just pop them in your mouth. You could end up biting off a lot more than you can chew (pun intended)! Anyways, there are tons of different types of edibles out there that you can choose frim.

They are super convenient and also discreet, since you don’t have to worry about the smell of weed smoke sticking to your clothes and your hair. You can even pop edibles in public if you like, but make sure that you know what you are getting yourself into so you don’t end up falling on the bathroom floor of a Wendy’s. What types of edibles are available? Well, if you have ever been to a marijuana dispensary, you will probably have seen a huge selection of edible cannabis products available to you. Any sort of baked goods, candy, mintz, and cookies are things that you can find with cannabis. Also, some dispensaries sell cannabis-infused beverages, if you are wanting to use an edible but in beverage form! You can really find any type of product available if you look hard enough, and ebiles do not have to be limited to one type of product or strain. When it comes to taking edibles, there is not much to talk about other than you just eat like you would any other food. However, instead of eating edibles like you would any other pack of candy, you want to be very careful with how many edibles you take. 

Let’s Talk About CBD Gummies

It is no secret that the medical marijuana industry is beginning to become more creative and innovative by the day. Part of this is because ...